Long For This World (NEW RELEASE!)
Songs of loss, remembrance and comfort in seasons of endings and transitions. The Buddha called the universal human experiences of sickness, old age and death the “Heavenly Messengers” that remind us that all is passing and all is precious. Healing and heart-opening music.
Tracklist & Lyrics
Song credits Betsy Rose unless otherwise indicated.
©Betsy Rose 1990, 2012
This is how I’d like my life to be
To live as trusting as a leaf on a tree
Let the seasons take good care of me
This is how I’d like to be
To not be fearful of the falling down
Not cling too tightly when my time comes round
Gladly sink into the winter ground
Knowing the best of me
will come back around
This is how I’d like my life to be
To be a ripple on a midnight sea
And let the mighty waves wash over me
This is how I’d like to be.
To not be fearful of the ebb and flow
To kiss the shore and then to let it go
To rise up to the sky when warm winds blow
Fall back down again in flakes of snow
This is how I’d like my life to be
To find my music and to set it free
Open up to all the harmony
This is how I’d like to be
To not be fearful of the wounded throat
To sing the beauty of the broken note
Trust my breath and let the song unfold
Risk it all and let the truth be told
This is how I’d like my life to be
Just sitting here right now with
you and me
A little moment in eternity
This is how I’d like to be
To live as trusting as a leaf on a tree
To be a ripple on a midnight sea
Open up to all the harmony
This is how I’d like to be
©Betsy Rose 2013
When the words fail
Will you hold my hand
It’s all I need
It’s what I understand
When the night comes
Will you stay with me
It’s all I need
To help me go to sleep
Oh simple, simple love
It’s all that’s left of us
When everything has turned to dust
I‘ll put my trust
In simple simple love
When the end comes
Will you breathe with me
It’s all I need
Just your quiet company
When I’m gone from here
Will you still sing my song
Will you carry on
With the music in your heart
Oh simple simple love
Hold me one more time
Though I am leaving you behind
I’ll leave enough
Of simple simple love
Though everything will turn to dust
We’ll put our trust
In simple simple love
©Betsy Rose 1984
If I could lift my eyes for just a moment
I swear I’d see your wings against the sky
But I’ve been studying my hands so helpless and so human
They could not touch the fever in your eyes
Still I cannot help but reach after
your fading form
Or study your picture for a clue
Oh these bodies have their limits
They’re a temporary home
And yours has done its duty and is gone
So let her go
She’s a feather in the wind
Gone back to wherever life begins
And for all the love we know
She was only here on loan in flesh and bone
So let her go.
The wonder of new life, birth into sunlight
And who remembers where we were before
It fades back into darkness as we make this world our home
But always something beckons
from a far off shore
My heart forever hungry for a bigger sky
For a truth drawn large before the human eye
Oh these senses have their limits
The fly within a cage
Regretfully I bow before an empty page.
And I let her go…
We’ve scaled the highest peaks, we’ve plundered the ocean
We’ve made machines to measure stars and dust
But I’ve been studying my heart in a different kind of mirror
Since you’ve gone I have been driven into trust
Like a field beneath the plow my heart is broken
The words that might have healed were never spoken
But these words, they have their limits
They’re clutching at the air
Still I sing my song believing you are there
And I let you go
You’re a feather in the wind
Gone back wherever life begins
And for all the love we know
We are only here on loan in flesh and bone
So let it go.
Let it go
We’re a feather in the wind
We all go back wherever life begins
And for all the love we know
We are only here on loan in flesh and bone
So let it go
©Betsy Rose 2013
What will it be like in heaven
What kind of world will I find
Will all my broken parts be welcome
Will I miss the life I left behind)
All my dreams of perfection
That keep me working hard down here
Will I see it all as illusion
Wasted effort, wasted years
When I go to heaven
Will I see the light, will I see clearly
Will my life make sense when it’s done
Will I finally feel loved completely
No shame for what I left undone
When I go to heaven
I’d like to think I’ll feel at home
Like it’s a place I’ve already been
I’d like to shed this gravity
Fly like I did as a kid in my dreams
I hope my parents will be there
I miss them every single day
And the baby girl gone so long ago
Do babies always stay that way
When they go to heaven
What will it be like in heaven
If being is even in the plan
And if it’s just a long dark silence
Can I keep living here the best I can
Without heaven
If there is no heaven
No heaven
©Betsy Rose 2010
When I meet my maker
Three questions I will ask
One about the future,
the other ‘bout the past
Pray tell me where we’re going
Where did we begin
And what’s the purpose of it all
As through the night we spin
I need a simple story
That makes it’s meaning clear
‘Cause someday I’ll say goodbye
To all I treasure here.
I need a simple story
Like holding my mother’s hand
‘Cause the old I am growing
The less I understand
Science has its theories,
Its proofs and measurements
A tiny point exploding
In the mighty firmament
And all the living universe,
Everything we know
Came tumbling out to fill the sky
12 billion years ago
And all the great traditions
Have stories of our birth
With Gods and magic animals
That covered all the earth
I tell them to my children
It helps them go to sleep
But underneath it all
The dark is silent, and it’s deep
I need a simple story….
And though I’m feeling broken
Feel I’ve lost my way
The years have left their mark on me
I can see it in my face
I know we’re born for something
I know it’s not in vain
And my heart sings with a story
That words cannot explain
And I need that simple story,
singing in my ears
‘Cause someday I will say goodbye…
©Betsy Rose 2012
Little bird gone from our nest
Little bird, my little happiness
I thought you’d stay a little longer
I’d teach you how to fly
when you grew stronger
But little bird you found the sky
Before your time you found your wings
to fly
I cannot understand the reason
Why some sweet flowers bloom
before their season
Little heart mi corazon
Little heart so hard to let you go
But on this night we hold our candles bright
Inside the dark, we find a little light
And little bird your nest is here
Inside my heart I hold you very near
And all the love my heart had planned to bring
I’ll send it like a breeze beneath your wings
You little bird
Mi Corazon
My little heart
My little one
©Betsy Rose 1991
Welcome to the circle
How far have you come
Do you need some company
A candle and a song
Are you feeling weary
Tired of being strong
Welcome to the circle
It’s a place where you belong
Do you have a burden
That feels too much to bear
Do you have a bitterness
You don’t know how to share
Do you get too angry
To breathe or laugh or pray
Well there’s no one in this circle
Who has never felt this way
So welcome to this circle
Whatever brought you here
The valleys and the mountain tops
The muddy and the clear
And know your work is worthy
And know your heart is true
And know that all you give away
Will come circling back to you
You’ve got to know that
all you give away
Will come circling back to you.
©Betsy Rose 2012
All sorrows are the same river
All sorrows bring us all together
And the waters of time sweep us all away
May I remember to love
and not forget to pray
Though I can’t see through the tears
Through the loneliness and fears
But there are times I know for sure
That you are truly right here
Telling me
All sorrows are the same river
All sorrows bring us all together
Betsy Rose 2011
Rest your heart, rest your mind
Rest your body close to mine
Rest your head upon my breast
Let it go and take your rest
The sun goes down, it will not rise
For you’ll be seeing with different eyes
Into the light that has no name
Into that sweet eternal flame
Bid farewell to this good earth
And to this body you’ve known from birth
It served you well it gave it’s best
Now let it go and take your rest
Rest your heart, rest your mind
Rest this body you leave behind
Rest in peace without regrets
Welcoming arms will give you rest
Your precious love we won’t forget
In the light you’ll find your rest
©Betsy Rose 2006
Going home, going home
Your journey’s at an end
And you’re going home
Safely home, safely home
Your journey’s at an end
And you’re safely home
Life is long, life is brief
First a green and tender shoot
Then a falling leaf
Some days seem endless
But the years fly by so swift
When the whole is gathered in
You know each moment was a gift
Going home, going home…
Thanks be to springtime,
thanks be to fall
For the seasons of our lives
Thanks for it all
We were never meant to stay
We are always on our way
And we never walk alone,
We are always heading home
Going home, going home…
©Betsy Rose 2013
I won’t be long for this world
But I belong to this world
Is it wrong to love this world
When it won’t be long
‘til I’m gone from this world
My daddy’s gone from this world
But every time I think of him
I’m just a little girl
Riding high up on his shoulder
And to this day, I hear him say “light someone’s way-
We’re here to help each other”
I won’t be long for this world…
My mama dwells beneath my skin
When I see her face and
hear her voice I’m whole again
I can’t imagine a world where she is gone
But you’ll see her smile inside my eyes,
You’ll hear her voice inside my song
I won’t be long for this world…
You and me are tender friends
Two old trees grown together,
bound by root and limb
Battered by storms and
blessed by laughter
And one may fall, the other stand,
Still giving shade to the ones come after
I won’t be long for this world
But I belong to this world
Is it wrong to love this world
When it won’t be long ‘til I’m gone
from this world
©Betsy Rose 2010
(Written after 2010 Midterm Election)
Shine a light across the darkness
Like the moon across the waves
In this midnight of our journey
Show the world a shining face
Even earth and sky can tumble
The ocean deep, the stars above
All that we know is bound to crumble
There is no better time to love
The news will never tell the story
We have to learn it on our own
Reach for the truth you can believe in
The time is urgent, take it slow
When even faith and hope lie broken
When all we do is not enough
We face the dark with eyes wide open
There is no better time to love
The news will never tell the story
But we have known it all along
In the silence we remember
And note by note we find the song
So shine a light across the darkness
We’ll never know if it’s enough
We’re holding hands
hand with eyes wide open
There is no better time to love
Give me your hand with eyes wide open
There is no better time to love

Real To Me
Released in February 2011, the long-awaited new release of Betsy’s original songs, musical reports from over 10 years of living out her life as a mother (new teenage son songs!), a peace activist (songs from the post 911 era), and spiritual explorer. A few never recorded gems from the distant past also included.
Read the Liner NotesTracklist & Lyrics
(Betsy Rose ©2005)
When I was just a little thing and I hadn’t spoke a word
A flash of blue and feathers caught my eye out in the yard
My mama tells this story and she swears by what she heard
Her mother’s heart interpreted my babbling as “bird”
My parents took me hiking where the mountains touched the sea
I rode high in the backpack as tall as any tree
Soon they heard me laughing chortling, gurgling with delight
They turned to look, but what I saw was hidden from their sight
But it was real to me
Real to me
And I will always believe there’s more to this
Than we can see
Maybe it was fairies dancing in the air
With wings of lace and light and magic whirling everywhere
Some kind of enchantment, a midsummer’s day dream
My parents knew that magic had laid its hand on me
And it was real to me…
And I only have the words for this because my parents stored
These moments in their memories and later gave me words
Whether it was true or not I’ve come to understand
They gave to me a story that reminds me who I am
It helps me to remember to listen to my truth
See worlds beyond the knowing, beyond reason, beyond proof
And in my darkest hour I feel those wings that brushed my face
They tell me of a world of peace, of promise and of grace
And it is real to me
Real to me
And I will always believe there’s more to this
Than we can see
Because it is real
I know it’s real to me
(Betsy Rose ©1995)
Oh thank you for this icy ocean
Slapping on my skin
The salty taste upon my lips and the music of the wind
Now some say that the body is the shortest way to sin
But I confess
I know I’m mostly spirit but I sure do love the flesh
I’m drinking deep the sweet perfume of jasmine in the air
Sends shivers through my senses down my body like a prayer
When my eyes are open I can see you everywhere
And I am blessed
I see you in the spirit, and I meet you in the flesh
But the bumping and the bruising are not my favorite parts
The longing and the losing and the tearing of the heart
And some days I get weary and I long to be released
To sail beyond the borders of this body
I call me
But it’s such a little moment we are cast up on the sand
Mother ocean spills us out and draws us back again
But oh it’s so delicious to be dancing down the strand
From birth to death
Swimming in the spirit, dancing in the flesh
So take me in your arms, spin me round and round again Let us bleed and laugh and touch and love all that we can
For the spirit that created every detail of this plan is saying
Yes! Yes, yes yes
Holy is the spirit, holy is the flesh
We’re swimming in the spirit, dancing in the flesh
Holy is the spirit– delicious is the flesh!
(Betsy Rose ©2005)
Five foot two your hair is blue
All of a sudden I’m shorter than you
What’s happening to my baby boy?
One ear pierced, sagging pants You want a tattoo – hey! Not a chance!
What’s happening to my baby boy?
He’s got headphones on day and night
Talks hip hop jive
On the phone, testosterone
Will we make it through alive?
But is he quick is he kind
Can he speak his heart and mind?
Yes that’s my teenage baby boy
With his friends and social life
I’m just a chauffeur
But when he wants to talk late at night
You know he wants his mama near
So I confess it’s lots of fun
Growing up with a teenage son
Find out what happening to my baby boy!
(Stay tuned!)
(© Betsy Rose 1983)
I was born so close to Christmas
I thought all those lights were for me
I was born so close to Christmas
My sisters thought mama found me under the tree
It was a time of joy and I soaked it up
But sorrow lingered in the holiday cup
‘Cause my mama’s mama was giving up
Her life that very same year.
I was born when the earth was cold
Sunlight danced but it could not melt
Mama smiled but her eyes were old
And winter shadows were what I felt
And I reached for light in the midst of tears
I reached for music to calm my fears
And I reached for mama to held me near
While her own mama slipped away
I was born in 1950
The war was over, the women stayed home
Mom was smart and mom was thrifty
She taught me to read and my clothes were hand sewn
And I stayed with her while my sisters grew
Into magic people who went to school
But my fingers learned what the keyboard knew
And I was never alone again.
Winter children know the dark
We warm our hopes on any spark
Learn to have a patient heart
And learn that endings are a part of
Being born so close to Christmas
With all the dazzle and stored up dreams
Torn up wrappers and disappointments
Christmas is never quite what it seems
But we sang the songs with all our hearts
Mom and I shared the alto parts
And this turning world and I embark
Together into a new year.
(Betsy Rose ©2005)
I am a daughter of this earth
I know my name and I know my worth
Born of water born of fire
Earth and air and the Great Desire
Ancient fires burn inside of me
From distant stars of the galaxies
How do I know all that I know
I am daughter of earth
This is my home
My roots drink deep of the water’s song
Trees sing praises in my mother tongue
The wind and I have a lover’s pact
I lift my wings and she’s at my back
And though there’s flames that sear the soul
Wisdom remains as a burning coal
How do I know all that I know…
You try to strip me of my pride
Bind the wings that were born to fly
Steal the feathers off my hope
Twist your lies in a hangman’s rope
But there’s one Power you can’t unthrone
There’s one Source you will never own
How do I know all that I know…
I am a daughter of these times
Here by chance and by design
Whatever purpose there may be
I bow my head to the mystery
Though the oceans rise, and the fields burn down
This place I’m standing is my holy ground
How do I know all that I know…
(Betsy Rose© 2008)
These hands have caught a newborn baby daughter
These hands have gently closed the eyes in death
These hands have sifted flour and poured the water
Kneaded the dough for daily bread
These hands have woven many colors
Held the plow chopped the sugar cane
Signed petitions held the gavel
Knitted up what’s come unraveled
Lifted up the crying child and eased the pain
And these hands can build a world of peace
And the world is waking up to understand
That nothing can be changed ‘til the power’s rearranged
And we put our trust again in women’s hands
Imagine how our lives would prosper
If a mother’s eyes saw hunger all around
And her hands held the power to sign the order
To bring wealth to wherever the need was found
Imagine all the peace within our hearts
To know that all are fed and warm and free
No one left behind, no one’s needs denied
It isn’t really hard when we are family
And these hands can build a world of peace…
(Betsy Rose © 2007)
They say we must be loyal to the red white and blue
Tie a yellow ribbon to support our fighting troops
I’m looking for some colors to match the way I think
I’ve never been one for fashion- but today I’m wearing pink
When the code is orange there’s terror in the air
When the code is red go hide your head and say your prayers
They’re trying to keep us frightened, like we’re always on the brink
But I’ve got better things to do- so today I’m wearing pink
Code Pink, Code Pink
We’re never out of fashion
We never fade or shrink
It’s the color of the future
For a country on the brink
Code Pink, Code Pink
My mama thought a new pink dress would bring her daughter joy
But I just wanted blue jeans, I was running with the boys
She tried to vain to change my style-
What would the neighbors think!
Well mama, take a good look now- your baby’s wearing pink Code Pink, Code Pink…
I never thought a color that’s so dainty and so sweet
Could fire up all my engines, get me out into the street
Just goes to show how woman power can change the way you think
Throw out those basic blacks and grays
And show the world you’re pink!
Code Pink, Code Pink….
(Betsy Rose ©1989)
You say that I’ll have no regrets
I’ll look back and wonder how far I have come
But I wouldn’t go placing no bets
I’m just waking up and I’m still pretty numb
And I’ve taken enough free advice
Have you got some answer that I haven’t tried?
‘Cause I’ve tried everything that I can
Patched up my life and watched it crumble again
And if I lean a bit heavy on my chemical friend
It’s nobody’s business, I’m not hurting them
So why have I come to this place
To listen to strangers who talk like they’re saved?
And who tell me to take it one day at a time
Swear I can make it one day at a time
If I have to just fake it one day at a time
Well that’s the only thing I haven’t tried
I guess that I’m not so unique
But I didn’t know that ‘til you started to speak
And I heard my whole story out loud
And every head nodded, I was one of the crowd
And you’d sunk even lower than me
But here you are standing up happy and free
This wasn’t a part of my plan
To sit in some room with this down and out band
And admit right out loud just how wasted I am
How my cards came up empty again and again
And I don’t have a clue what to do
You say “Keep it simple – show up, tell the truth”
And you tell me to take it one day at a time…
I had all the answers for sure
I figured out why just for me there’s no cure
And don’t push your God in my face
If God had some power I wouldn’t be in this place
But where else am I gonna turn
I’m running on empty, my bridges all burned
When I was little I would run to the woods
Talk right out loud and the trees understood
And I lay in their branches and I sang all alone
Pretended that I’d never have to go home
They were a power much greater than me
So I’m leaning right now on the strength of that tree
And I’m willing one day at a time
I think I can make it one day at a time
If I have to I’ll fake it one day at a time
Though It’s making a mess of my pride
Still I’ve settled for less- and besides
It’s the only thing I haven’t tried!
(Betsy Rose ©2009)
(On the departure for college of my only child)
I know I’ll be all right
I’ll walk right past your bedroom door and not look twice
I know there won’t be crumpled homework, soda cans
And a moldy pizza slice
That floor will be as bare
As the day we filled the car up with the things you thought
You might be needing there
And I know I’ll still be listening for your key in the front door
Too late at night
But I’ll be all right
I know I’ll be OK
I’ve got a lot of plans and projects stored away
First those closets, then the basement
Or maybe I’ll dust off that violin I used to play
There’s a yoga class today
And I’ll finally take that trip back east to see my best friend
From my college days
And I know I’ll turn you music on sometimes to hear
The words and beats you taught me not to hate
And I’ll be OK
I know you’ll be just fine
You’ve been chomping at the bit now for a long long time
And they promised they’d watch out for all the freshmen –
Gotta trust that they’ll watch mine
I know there’ll be those times
When the only voice you want to hear is mine
We’ve never been much for the phone, but there’s comfort in the silence
When you know who’s on the line
And you’ll be just fine
And I know you’ll come back home
With a sack of dirty clothes and your hair all grown
And you’ll tell some tales of your adventures,
Cleaned up for those old folks you call dad and mom
And you’ll hang out with your friends
And I’ll act like I don’t need more than a “love you mom- what’s shakin”
and you’re out the door again
I’ve always had my own life, it’s not that that makes me ache to have you gone
And you’ll come back home
I’ve got friends with grown up sons
They swear that boys come back again and always love their moms
I take comfort in that promise and in knowing that I’m not the only one
And I’m tasting my own life
Something sharp and unfamiliar, not the taste of mom or wife
And just like him I’m launching into brand new worlds, and I’m scared-
And so alive
And we’ll be just fine.
(Betsy Rose ©2010)
It’s God’s little joke on feminist moms
Giving us daughters who wear skimpy thongs
With those postings on facebook you don’t want to see
And the boyfriend got pants hanging down to his knees
God must be laughing, I’ll try to laugh too
Since I prayed to have children, it’s the least I can do
Watch out what you pray for, those prayers may come true
It’s God’s little joke on feminist moms
Giving us sons who love warcraft and bombs
With despicable lyrics to their favorite songs
And when they start dating, the girls all wear thongs
God must be laughing, I’ll try to laugh too…
God must be laughing or crying, or both
Like I do when I’m at the end of my rope
Oh mothers take heart, take a breath, and take hope
This is all temporary, just God’s little joke
They’ll be gone in a heartbeat- that’s God’s little joke.
(With apologies to Rogers and Hammerstein)
(Betsy Rose, ©2000)
Part 1–Things I Never Would Do
Yell at my children and curse in their presence
Threaten to leave before they’re adolescents
Act like I’m sure when I haven’t a clue
These are the things that I never will do
Run lots of errand while they’re in the back seat
Let them eat sugar and ice cream and red meat
Turn on the TV and nap while they view
These are the things that I never will do
Say “See I told you so– that’s what you get”
Make them a promise and promptly forget
When I’m running late, say “It’s all ‘cause of you”
These are the things that I never will do
Shake my finger
Shame and blame them
In front of their friends
There’s so many sins other parents commit
I’m glad that I’m not like them
Part 2– The Mother I’m Going To Be
Radiant love that surrounds like a halo
Long afternoons making brownies and playdough
Strumming a harp as you drift off to sleep
This is the mother that I’m going to be
Brilliant homeschooling and learning without tears
Warm family bed for at least the first 8 years
Of course my dear partner will surely agree
This is the family that we’re going to be
No TV no video not one PlayStation
Family dinners with deep conversation
Teacheable moments arise naturally
This is the mother that I’m going to be
When the dog bites, when the bee stings
When you scrape your knee,
I’ll use homeopathy, and mother’s milk
‘Cause that‘s how I’m going to be
(Betsy Rose ©2007)
You say you want to be free
You want to slip the noose
You want the your hand on the wheel
And the power to choose
You don’t want advice
You just want respect
And you don’t want my expectations
Around your neck
Well I understand what you’re reaching for
I can’t command you anymore
You’re not a man
But you’re more than a child
And you still need your mom once in awhile
You want the keys to the car
You want a lock on your door
You want to eat when you please
And stay out late more and more
You don’t want questions about your friends
You don’t want to work
But you sure want to spend
I understand that you’re breaking away
Becoming a man more and more every day
You’re not on your own
But you’re stretching to fly
But you still need your mom once in awhile
I know in your heart I’m still number one
We’re growing apart
But the bond between us can never be undone
I remember it all
Those little boy times
Stories and songs
And your hand in mine
You looked up to me
No secrets at all
You trusted my power,
To pick you up when you fall
I understand that those days are gone
It’s part of the plan- you’re moving on
You’re pushing the ceiling trying to reach the sky
I understand all we got is today
It’s part of the plan- it’s the natural way
You’re not out the door
But your hand’s on the key
But I’m still your mom and I’ll always be
(Betsy Rose ©1976)
Take down the pictures, roll up the rug
No one will love here again
Turn in the keys; we’ll go where we please
No one will love here again
No one to light up the windows, they*re blinded
It’s finders and keepers again,
Pain locks the gate no reason to wait
No reason to stand by the door
It’s never gonna open anymore.
What can I give you to take on your way
Poems or pennies to throw
Our gifts have been spent on hard times and rent
We’re left now with nothing to show
Take back your promise, I want no reminders
It’s finders and keepers again
Pain makes us hard; love has played her last card
And the ashes are piled by the door
It’s never gonna open anymore.
Light! I see light up ahead for me.
For you, well I never will know
Might just be leading me on
Another false dawn
It’s gone! It’s gone!
The burden is heavy, the house that won’t die
No one will dance here again
But still something burns, a shadow still turns
But no one will dance here again
A song would be nice now; oh we should have been kinder
Now its finders and keepers again.
Pain is the stone, the ache in my bones
The break and the learning to mend
I’m never gonna hold you again.
(Betsy Rose ©2008)
There were candles, candles
Candles in the window
All around the world
Candles, candles
There were candles
All around the world
When the planes burst into flames
And the towers crumpled down
Friend and enemy alike
Felt the trembling in the ground
The shock it rippled round the world
The sorrow and the fright
And people we called enemies
Lit candles in the night
A mother in Morocco
A teacher in Tehran
A soldier in El Salvado
r A child in Pakistan
Lit candles in their windows
For strangers far away
They felt our common sorrow
We were family that day
And there were candles …
Today it’s seven years gone by
How little now remains
Of the goodwill that surrounded us
In the midst of all our pain
Oh the wars that we have started
The lives that have been lost
The trust that has been broken
How can we count the cost
But don’t you still remember
That day when we were one
The day we were the wounded
Not the heroes in the sun
The day our nation trembled
And the world drew close and warm
With candles in the windows
Like a beacon in the storm
There were candles …
So on this night of memory
We light our candles all
For a country who reached out to us
And who needs our friendship now
Each window shines a message
No war- not in our name
The people of Iran, the people here
All feel the same
And we light candles…
(©Betsy Rose 2006)
Going home, going home
Your journey’s at an end
And you’re going home
Safely home, safely home
Your journey’s at an end
And you’re safely home
Life is long, life is brief
First a green and tender shoot
Then a falling leaf
Some days seem endless
But the years fly by so swift
When the whole is gathered in
You know each moment was a gift
Going home, going home….
Thanks be to springtime, thanks be to fall
For the seasons of our lives, thanks for it all
We were never meant to stay
We are always on our way
And we never walk alone,
And we are always heading home
Going home, going home…

Calm Down Boogie
Music for making and being peace; and for calming and renewing in the midst of life’s pace. Fun songs of earth care and family bonds, and the joys of simplicity and homespun happiness. Contains songs used in Mindfulness in Education programs.
Tracklist & Lyrics
(© Betsy Rose and children’s retreat participants; based on a meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh)
Breathing in, breathing out
Dm G
I am blooming as a flower
Dm G C
I am fresh as the dew
Em Am
I am solid as a mountain
F C/E Dm G
I am firm as the earth
I am free, I am free, I am free
Breathing in, breathing out
Breathing in, breathing out
I am water reflecting
What is real, what is true
And I find I have space
Deep inside of me
I am free, I am free, I am free
(©Betsy Rose)
You take a little banana peel
Leftovers from your last meal
Everything except the steak
Goes in a compost cake
Tea leaves and some coffee grounds
Lettuce that is old and brown
Shells from the eggs you had to break
Go in a compost cake
Yum yum a compost cake
Yum yum a compost cake
Only the earth knows how to bake
A big delicious compost cake
Put it in a great big pile
Let it sit a long long while
Sun and rain are what it takes
To make a compost cake
It takes some dirt, takes some leaves
And a little magic I believe
Then one day it’s finally baked
Into a compost cake
Yum yum a compost cake…
Plant your seed and vegie starts
Use your muscle, use your heart
Use your hoe and use your rake
And spread your compost cake
And watch the garbage that you threw
Into the pile come back to you
In the freshest meal you’ll ever make
All from a compost cake
Yum yum a compost cake…
(©Betsy Rose 1999)
I’m standing at the bus stop waiting for my mom
The driver left so long ago, I know there’s something wrong
Panic starts a rising, fear it grips my mind
Then I close my eyes, slow it down
Take a breath and find
My equanimity!
Everything gonna be all right
Equanimity! I got balance deep inside
Equanimity! I don’t have to fight or flight
I can breathe and be still
Trust all is well
Offer some calm
To whatever’s going on
With equanimity
My sister is a bother,
she tries to get my goat
I swear she likes to tease me
just to see me explode
I used to get all flustered
she got me every time
But now I stop, close my eyes,
take a breath and find
My equanimity
I’m sitting at my desk,
it’s time for the final big math test
I’m good at lots of other things
but math is not my best
My hands are cold a sweaty
my brain is stuck like glue
So I close my eyes,
take a DEEEEP breath
Tell myself what’s true
With equanimity
Grandma’s in the kitchen
cooking supper for a crowd
I hear a crash and splinter,
I hear her shout out loud
The coffee pot is shattered,
the floor is stained and wet
And grandma’s gonna lose it
‘til I whisper
“Hey Grandma–Don’t forget”
Your equanimity!
Everything gonna be all right
Equanimity! You got balance deep inside
You don’t have to fight or flight
You can breathe and be still
Trust all is well
Offer some calm
To whatever’s going on
With equanimity
(©Betsy Rose 1999)
Mommy I made you a rainbow
Daddy I carved you a boat
Sister and brother, these handkerchiefs
Are parachutes that float
Grandma I wrote you a poem
Grandpa I cut out this star
I wanted to give you my very best
Gifts from my very own heart
‘Cause it’s holidays, holy days
Candles burning bright
Holidays, holy days
Love will bring us light
In the heart of a winter’s night
I don’t have much money to buy a gift
And the stores are full of crowds
When I go inside I get so excited
I want it all right now
But when I’m safe back home again
My heart don’t beat so fast
Im glad to be able to sit at this table
And make you a gift that will last
On these holidays, holy days
Candles burning bright
Holidays, holy days
Love will bring us light
In the heart of a winter’s night
(Instrumental chorus)
Mommy, your face is my rainbow
Daddy, your arms are my boat
Sister and brother we love one another
Even when we don’t
And I’m grateful to have a warm house
I’m glad I’m not alone
Thankful for enough to eat
Glad that I was born
And since love is all that matters
I’m as rich as i can be
Lots to spare i’ve got lots to share
with the whole world family
On these holidays, holy days
Candles burning bright
Holidays, holy days
Love will bring us light
In the heart of a winter’s night
On these holidays, holy days
Candles burning bright
Holidays, holy days
Love will bring us light
In the heart of a winter’s night
(Inspired by Matthew’s Ladybug Sanctuary at “Camp it Up”)
by Betsy Rose (©1998)
Watch out for that bug, crawling on that twig
Watch out where you step, your foot is mighty big
And if you see it fall you can stop and be a friend
‘Cause anything that’s smaller may need a helping hand
A helping hand
A helping hand
Yes anything that’s smaller may need a helping hand
Ladybugs and spiders, bees buzzing round their hive
Minding their own business, just glad to be alive
It’s fun to try to chase them, but they’re not for us to keep
No one’s happy in a cage, we all want to be free
To be free,
To be free
No one’s happy in a cage we all want to be free
A sister or a brother that’s smaller than you are
They can be a bother and push you way too far
But look at things through their eyes- they think you know it all
To anyone who’s smaller, you look ten feet tall
Ten feet tall
Ten feet tall
To anyone who’s smaller, you look ten feet tall!
So watch out for that bug, or anything that’s small
Even though you may be grown, remember when you fall
That even grown up people who seem so wise and grand
Like everybody, we need a helping hand
A helping hand
A helping hand
Like everybody we need a helping hand
A helping hand
A helping hand
Whether we are big or small
We need a helping hand
(©Betsy Rose 2001)
Out on the playground things can get rough
Kids get mad and kids act tough
You glaring at me I thought we were friends
Don’t know what I did but this could be the end
(What am I gonna do?)
I could punch you real hard but that’s not cool
I could pretend nothings happening- and feel like a fool
I could call you bad names but it’s just not right
What can I do that doesn’t feel like a fight?
What about loving kindness
Talking ‘bout loving kindness
From the heart loving kindness
That’s right
Send it direct from my heart to you
It can break down walls it can cut right through
And it makes me feel strong down deep inside
I got loving kindness (clap) that’s right
I got loving kindness (clap) that’s right
Now I’m not the fastest or smartest or best
Sometimes I get in trouble or I flunk a test
I hurt my friends with the things I say
Sometimes my mouth gets carried away
I feel so bad my face gets red
I beat myself up for the things I said
But check it out! If I can be kind to you
I guess I deserve a little kindness too
Give me that loving kindness
Talking ‘bout loving kindness
From the heart loving kindness
That’s right
Send it direct right into my heart
It can break down walls it can make a new start
And it makes me feel strong down deep inside
I got loving kindness that’s right
I got loving kindness that’s right
Betsy Rose (© 1999)
My mind is clear blue sky
My mind is clear blue sky
And the clouds come
And the clouds go
And my mind is a clear blue sky
My mind is a clear blue sky
My mind is a clear blue sky
My mind is a clear blue sky
And the thoughts come
And the thoughts go
My mind is a clear blue sky
My mind is a clear blue sky
My mind is a clear blue sky
And the storms come
And the storms go
And my mind is a clear blue sky..
And the fear comes…
And the anger comes…
And the joy comes…
(Last Verse)
And I breathe in (all breathe in )
And I breathe out (all breathe out)
And my mind is a clear blue sky…
(©2002 Betsy Rose)
I am planting a seed of peace
A seed of peace on earth
Peace in my heart
That’s where it starts
I am planting a seed of peace
I am planting a seed of peace
A seed of peace on earth
Peace in my home,
That’s where it’s grown
I am planting a seed of peace
I am planting a seed of peace
A seed of peace on earth
Peace in my school
More precious than jewels
I am planting..
I am planting …
Peace in my land
We can all lend a hand
I am planting..
I am planting …
A planet of peace
From all of our seeds…
I am planting ..
I am planting …
Peace in my heart
That’s where it starts
I am planting a seed of
Love makes a family
Love makes a family
Love makes a family
Love makes a family
I have a neighbor who was born in Peru
Her parents adopted her when she was just two
Each time I see them, their joy shines through
And their house it is filled with love
Love makes a family
So many ways that we can be
I want the whole wide world to see
That love makes a family
I have a friend whose parents live far apart
At first she would say that it was breaking her heart
But after some time she can finally start
To find two houses filled with love
There is a house across the street from me
Filled with generations one two and three
Grandparents, parents and a little baby
And their house it is filled with love
Love makes a family
So many ways that we can be
I want the whole wide world to see
That love makes a family
My dad works at home and my mom works downtown
When I get home from school my dad is always around
May look kinda different but here’s what we’ve found
Our house it is filled with love
Some kids down the street have a home with two moms
One’s mommy Susan, one’s mommy Yvonne
Their family is happy and their family is strong
For their house it is filled with love
Love makes a family
So many ways that we can be
I want the whole wide world to see
That love makes a family
A couple I know have no kids of their own
Some people think that they must be alone
But their door’s open wide and we kids feel at home
And their house it is filled with love
Love makes a family
So many ways that we can be
I want the whole wide world to see
That love makes a family

Welcome To The Circle
27 songs from Betsy Rose’s musical retreats and song circles for women. Songs that invite women to rediscover their lost voices, feel the power of connection with other women, and sing lyrics that speak truth to power and express compassion ourselves and our world.
Tracklist & Lyrics
We’ve got all the time in the world
All the time in the world
We may be going to hell in a handbasket
Or right on the edge of something fantastic
Since we don’t know what time it is
We’ve got all the time in the world
Grass can only grow so fast
Clouds have to wait on the wind
Dark cocoons will only burst
When the butterfly grows its wings
Hearts and minds need time
For their wisdom to unfurl
For the wings of inspiration to carry us
Into a brand new world
We’ve got all the time in the world
All the time in the world
We may be going to hell in a handbasket
Or right on the edge of something fantastic
Since we don’t know what time it is
We’ve got all the time in the world
It may be urgent it may be too late
We may be right on time
We may be at a point in evolution
Where there’s a quantum shift of heart and mind
It may be a long slow dying
Or a miracle of birth
But whatever time we are living in
We have all the time on earth
We’ve got all the time in the world
All the time in the world
We may be going to hell in a handbasket
Or right on the edge of something fantastic
Since we don’t know what time it is
We’ve got all the time in the world
We’ve got all the time
All the time
We’ve got all the time in the
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the flame of women’s rage
Kept smoldering for centuries, now burning in this age.
No longer are we prisoners in that old gilded cage
That’s why we’re marching on.
Move on over or we’ll move you
Move on over or we’ll move you
Move on over or we’ll move you
For women’s time has come!
You have told us to speak softly, to be gentle and to smile
Expected us to change ourselves with every passing style.
Said the only work for women was to clean and sweep and file
That’s why we’re marching on!
It is we who’ve done your cooking, done your cleaning, kept your rules.
We gave birth to all your children and we taught them in your schools.
We’ve kept the system running but we’re laying down our tools.
That’s why we’re marching on!
You think that you can buy us off with crummy wedding rings
You never give us half the profit that our labor brings
Our anger eats into us, we no longer bow to kings
That’s why we’re marching on.
We have broken through our shackles, now we sing a battle song
We march for liberation and we’re many millions strong
We’ll build a new society, we’ve waited much too long,
That’s why we’re marching on!
YES, women’s time has come!
Credits: Meredith Tax
Oh we are women, and we are marching
Oh Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
We are marching for liberation
We want to change our world now!
Oh we are artists, and we are weaving
Oh Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
We are weaving for liberation
We want to change our world now!
Oh we are children, and we are dreaming
Oh Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
We are dreaming for liberation
We want to change our world now!
Oh we are poets, and we are singing
Oh Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
We are singing for liberation
We want to change our world now!
Oh we are lovers, and we are longing
Oh Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
We are longing for liberation
We want to change our world now!
Oh we are mothers, and we are caring
Oh Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
We are caring for liberation
We want to change our world now!
Oh we are fathers, and we are crying
Oh Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
We are crying for liberation
We want to change our world now!
Oh we are citizens, and we are voting
Oh Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
We are voting for liberation
We want to change our world now!
Tis the blood of the Ancients
That runs through our veins
And the forms pass
And the future is in our hands
Tis the blood of the Ancients
That runs through our veins
And the forms pass
And the future is in our hands
Tis the blood of the Ancients
That runs through our veins
And the forms pass
And the future is in our hands
Tis the hope of a new world
That runs through our veins
As the old worlds pass
And the future is in our hands
Tis the hope of a new world
That runs through our veins
As the old worlds pass
And the future is in our hands
Tis the hope of a new world
That runs through our veins
As the old worlds pass
And the future is in our hands
Tis the hope of a new world
That runs through our veins
As the old worlds pass
And the future is in our hands
Credits (Charlie Murphy/Betsy Rose)
Come, come whoever you are
Wanderer, worshipper
Lover of leaving
Ours is no caravan of despair
Love yet again come
Credits: ©Lynn Ungar
Come, come whoever you are
Wanderer, worshipper
Lover of leaving
Ours is no caravan of despair
Love yet again come
Credits: ©Lynn Ungar
For The Mothers
I sing for the mothers all over the earth
For their power, for their love
I ache for the mothers all over the earth
For their sorrow, for their love
May their broken hearts be cradled
May their righteous anger be heard
I pray for justice and healing for all of the mothers
All over the earth
I sing for the mothers of soldiers at war
For their power, for their love
I ache for the mothers of soldiers at war
For their sorrow, for their love
May their broken hearts be cradled
May their righteous anger be heard
I pray for justice and healing for all of the mothers
All over the earth
I sing for the mothers who grieve for a child
For their power, for their love
I ache for the mothers who grieve for a child
For their sorrow, for their love
May their broken hearts be cradled
May their righteous anger be heard
I pray for justice and healing for all of the mothers
All over the earth
I sing for the mothers who have no voice
For their power, for their love
I ache for the mothers who have no voice
For their sorrow, for their love
May their broken hearts be cradled
May their righteous anger be heard
I pray for justice and healing for all of the mothers
All over the earth
©Betsy Rose 2002
How could anyone ever tell you
You were anything less than beautiful
How could anyone ever tell you
You were less than whole
How could any one fail to notice
that your loving is a miracle
How deeply you’re connected to my soul
Credits: 1988 Libby Roderick
I ain’t afraid of your Yahweh
I ain’t afraid of your Allah
I ain’t afraid of your Jesus
I’m afraid of what you do in the name of your God
I ain’t afraid of your churches
I ain’t afraid of your temples
I ain’t afraid of your praying
I’m afraid of what you do in the name of your God
Rise up to your higher power
Free up from the fear it will devour you
Watch out for the ego of the hour
The ones who say they know it
Are the ones who will impose it on you
I ain’t afraid of your Bible
I ain’t afraid of your of your Torah
I ain’t afraid of your Koran
I’m afraid of what you do in the name of your God
I ain’t afraid of your music
I ain’t afraid of your of your dancing
I ain’t afraid of your children
I’m afraid of what you do in the name of your God
Rise up and see a higher story
Free up from the gods of war and glory
Watch our for the threats of purgatory
The spirit of the wind won’t make a killing
Off of sin and Satan
I ain’t afraid of your Yahweh
I ain’t afraid of your Allah
I ain’t afraid of your Jesus
I’m afraid of what you do in the name of your God
Credits (2000 Holly Near
I am the love I long to meet
I am the hope I always seek
And its through love my life is full
One power one presence one of us
There’s one of us only one of us
I am the faith of the mustard seed
I am the peace I always need
And its through faith my life is full
One power one presence one of us.
There’s one of us only one of us
Honor the paths that lead to truth
Trust the process of life in you
Ant it’s through truth our life is full
One power one presence one of us.
There’s one of us only one of us
I am the love I long to meet
I am the hope I always seek
And its through love my life is full
One power one presence one of us
One power one presence one of us
There’s one of us only one of us
Credits: ©2004 Carrie Trubenbach
I don’t practice, I just play
I make music for today
I’m not waiting for a better day
I don’t practice, I just play
Birds are winging tree to tree
They don’t practice being free
Aim their heart toward a true blue sky
They don’t practice, they just fly
Birds are singing nature’s song
It just carries them along
No rehearsal, note by note
They don’t practice, they just float
I don’t practice, I just play
I make music for today
I’m not waiting for a better day
I don’t practice, I just play
Music rises up from the the earth
it surrounds us at our birth
Music bubbles up from the soul
Open up and let it roll
We don’t practice we just sing
We make music on the wing
Voices carried on winds of grace
We don’t practice, we just play
We don’t practice, We just play
We make music for today
We’re not waiting for a better day
We don’t practice, I just play
We don’t practice, we just play!
There once was a time when people were gentle,
We talked to the trees and were never alone,
And all that we owned were our baskets and digging sticks,
I still remember it in my bones.
And sometimes we quarreled and then we forgot it,
For all to keep living we needed each one,
And all that we owned was the skill in our fingers,
I still remember it in my bones
We never had locks so our lives were not hidden,
Our tears and our laughter were shared all around,
And all that we owned were our dreams and our stories
I still remember it in my bones
There once was a time when people were gentle,
We talked to the trees and were never alone
And all that we owned were our dreams and our digging sticks….
I still remember it in my bones.
Credits: 1986 Nancy Schimmel
Gonna look to the women for courage
In the hard times comin ahead
We’re gonna sing and shout
We’re gonna work it on out
In the hard times coming ahead
With women’s courage
We can make it.
We’re gonna look to the women for laughter
In the hard times comin ahead
We’re gonna sing and shout
We’re gonna work it on out
In the hard times coming ahead
With women’s laughter
We can make it.
We’re gonna look to the women for wisdom
In the hard times comin ahead
We’re gonna sing and shout
We’re gonna work it on out
In the hard times coming ahead
With women’s wisdom
We can make it.
We’re gonna look to the women for love
In the hard times comin ahead
We’re gonna sing and shout
We’re gonna work it on out
In the hard times coming ahead
With women’s love
We can make it.
We’re gonna look to the women for spirit
In the hard times comin ahead
We’re gonna sing and shout
We’re gonna work it on out
In the hard times coming ahead
With women’s spirit
We can make it.
We’re gonna look to the women for passion
In the hard times comin ahead
We’re gonna sing and shout
We’re gonna work it on out
In the hard times coming ahead
With women’s passion, with women’s wisdom, with women’s courage
We can make it!
Credits: Ruth Pelham
May you walk in your life as a warrior
Clear and loving and strong
May you walk in your life as a warrior
Trusting the path you are on
May you walk in your life as a healer
Clear and loving and strong
May you walk in your life as a healer
Trusting the path you are on
May you walk in your life as a lover
Clear and loving and strong
May you walk in your life as a lover
Trusting the path you are on
May you walk in your life as a woman
Clear and loving and strong
May you walk in your life as a woman
Trusting the path you are on
Clear and loving and strong
Trusting the path you are on.
Metta Karuna
Mudita Uppekha
Metta Karuna
Mudita Uppekha
Metta Karuna
Mudita Uppekha
Metta Karuna
Mudita Uppekha
Metta Karuna
Mudita Uppekha
Metta Karuna
Mudita Uppekha
Metta Karuna
Mudita Uppekha
Metta Karuna
Mudita Uppekha
Metta Karuna
Mudita Uppekha
Metta Karuna
Mudita Uppekha
Loving kindness
And compassion
Joy joy joy
There are those who try to set
Fire to the world
We are in danger
There is only time to move slowly
There is no time not to love
There are those who try to set
Fire to the world
We are in danger
There is only time to move slowly
There is no time not to love
Credits: Deena Metzger/Charlie Murphy
There’s a song in my heart
It’s been singing all my life
There’s a voice in my body that is true
There is so much woman inside of me
Gonna open up and let her come into the light
Gonna open up and let her through
Return again
Return again
Return to the land of your soul
Return again
Return again
Return to the land of your soul
Return to who you are
Return to what you are
Return to where you are
Born and reborn again
Credits: © Rabbi Shlomo Carlbach
We are sending you light
To heal you to hold you
We are sending you light
To hold you in love
Credits (1992 Melanie DeMore)
“Love of my life,” I am crying;
I am not dying: I am dancing,
Dancing along in the madness;
There is no sadness, only a song of the soul.
And we’ll sing this song;
Why don’t you sing along?
And we can sing for a long, long time.
Why don’t you sing this song?
Why we can sing along?
And we can sing for a long, long time
What do you do for your living
Are you for giving, giving shelter?
Follow your heart; love will find you;
Truth will unbind you; sing out a song of the soul.
And we’ll sing this song;
Why don’t you sing along?
And we can sing for a long, long time.
Why don’t you sing this song?
Why we can sing along?
And we can sing for a long, long time
Come to your life like a warrior;
Nothin will bore yer; you can be happy.
Let in the light; it will heal you;
And you can feel you sing out a song of the soul.
And we’ll sing this song;
Why don’t you sing along?
And we can sing for a long, long time.
Why don’t you sing this song?
Why we can sing along?
And we can sing for a long, long time
And we can sing for a long, long time.
Credits (1975 Cris Williamson)
Take me in your arms, hold me in your embrace
Earth and wind, water and sky, my earth mother
Take us in your arms, hold us in your embrace
Earth and wind, water and sky, my earth mother
Take us in your arms, hold us in your embrace
When the pain is just too great bring us comfort
Goddess we need you now, help us find a way
Bring us strength wisdom and faith
Help us find peace
Take me in your arms, hold us in your embrace
Earth and wind
water and sky
Our earth mother
Earth and wind, water and sky
My earth mother
Credits (2001 Tina Greene)
Earth my body water my blood
Air my breath and fire my spirit
By my life be I spirit
And by my heart be I woman
And by my eyes be I open
And by my hands be I whole
I found God in myself
I found God in my self
And I loved her fiercely
Oh I loved her fiercely
I found God in myself
Credits: Arranged by Judy Fjell; © Ferron (Testimony); © Ntozake Shange (I Found God)
If the news gets too depressing
And you feel you can’t go on
Take off your clothes
Take off your clothes
And circle the Pentagon
If the government annoys you
And you don’t know what to do
Take off your clothes
Take off your clothes
And circle the White House too!
If the congress acts like lemmings
And you just can’t make them hear
Take off your clothes
Take off your clothes
And throw them out on their ears
If the women of Nigeria
Could shame the big oil guys
Let’s take off our clothes
Take off our clothes
And give them a big surprise (YEAH!)
We are the women giving birth to tomorrow
We are the women who are present today
We are the women who know hope and sorrow
Women who act, women who pray
Women whose wisdom will light the way
We are the women who are present today
We are the women who know hope and sorrow
Women who work, women who play
Women whose wisdom will light the way
We are the women who are present today
We are the women who know hope and sorrow
Women who fear, women who dare
Women whose wisdom will light the way
We are the women who are present today
We are the women who know hope and sorrow
Women who laugh, women who grieve
Women whose wisdom will light the way
We are the women who are present today
We are the women who know hope and sorrow
Women who ache, women who heal
Women whose wisdom will light the way
Women who laugh, women who play,
Women who act, Women who pray
Women whose wisdom will light the way
Welcome to the circle
How far have you come
Do you need some company
A candle and a song
Are you feeling weary
Tired of being strong
Welcome to the circle
It’s a place where you belong
Do you have a burden
That feels too much to bear
Do you have a bitterness
You don’t know how to share
Do you get too angry
To breathe or laugh or pray
Well there’s no one in this circle
Who has never felt this way
No one in this circle
Who has never felt this way
So welcome to this circle
Whatever brought you here
The valleys and the mountain tops
The muddy and the clear
And know your work is worthy
And know your heart is true
And know that all you give away
Will come circling back to you
You’ve got to know that all you give away
Will come circling back to you.
Women’s hands hammered the nails,
Framed the walls, drew it to scale
Women’s muscle raised the rafters
Filled up the rooms with a woman’s laughter
Hands and hearts, bodies and souls
Women and love make this house a home
Hands and hearts, bodies and souls
Women and love make this house a home
Women’s eyes saw the vision
Held the dream with grace and precision
Women’s know-how and sweet compassion
Raised up a house in a womanly fashion
Women learned to love the wood
To love the craft and the sisterhood
Learned by working side by side
Joy in the sweat and the feeling inside of
Women know that walls and floors
Roofs and ceilings, windows and doors
Are more than shelter to keep out the weather
May keep a homeless family together
Jobs are short and times are lean
No safety net and the streets are mean
From shopping carts and cardboard walls
The hands reach out, can we heed the call for
Hands and hearts, bodies and souls
Women and love make this house a home
Hands and hearts, bodies and souls
Women and love make this house a home
Women and love make this house a home
Women and love
Make this house a home

Heart of a Child
Poignant, inspiring, humorous, empowering songs for those devoting their work and love to young children. Musical nourishment for the hearts and souls of teachers, parents, and families of young children.
Tracklist & Lyrics
Lyrics by Khalil Gibran, Music by Ysaye M. Barnwell
Your children are not your children
They are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself
They come through you but they are not from you
And though they are with you
They belong not to you
You can give them your love but not your thoughts
They have their own thoughts
You can house their bodies but not their souls
For their souls dwell in a place of tomorrow
Which you cannot visit not even in your dreams
You can strive to be like them
But you cannot make them just like you
Strive to be like them
But you cannot make them just like you
(© Betsy Rose and children’s retreat participants; based on a meditation by Thich Nhat Hanh)
Breathing in, breathing out
Breathing in, breathing out
I am blooming as a flower
I am fresh as the dew
I am solid as a mountain
I am firm as the earth
I am free, I am free, I am free
Breathing in, breathing out
Breathing in, breathing out
I am water reflecting
What is real, what is true
And I feel there is space
Deep inside of me
I am free, I am free, I am free
(©Libby Roderick)
How could anyone ever tell you
You were anything less than beautiful
How could anyone ever tell you
You were less than whole
How could anyone fail to notice
That your loving is a miracle
How deeply you’re connected to my soul
(©Betsy Rose 1999)
Mommy I made you a rainbow
Daddy I carved you a boat
Sister and brother, these handkerchiefs
Are parachutes that float
Grandma I wrote you a poem
Grandpa I cut out this star
I wanted to give you my very best
Gifts from my very own heart
‘Cause it’s holidays, holy days
Candles burning bright
Holidays, holy days
Love will bring us light
In the heart of a winter’s night
I don’t have much money to buy a gift
And the stores are full of crowds
When I go inside I get so excited
I want it all right now
But when I’m safe back home again
My heart don’t beat so fast
Im glad to be able to sit at this table
And make you a gift that will last
On these holidays, holy days
Candles burning bright
Holidays, holy days
Love will bring us light
In the heart of a winter’s night
(Instrumental chorus)
Mommy, your face is my rainbow
Daddy, your arms are my boat
Sister and brother we love one another
Even when we don’t
And I’m grateful to have a warm house
I’m glad I’m not alone
Thankful for enough to eat
Glad that I was born
And since love is all that matters
I’m as rich as i can be
Lots to spare i’ve got lots to share
with the whole world family
On these holidays, holy days
Candles burning bright
Holidays, holy days
Love will bring us light
In the heart of a winter’s night
On these holidays, holy days
Candles burning bright
Holidays, holy days
Love will bring us light
In the heart of a winter’s night
(©Ginny Clemens)
Rainbow children rainbow children Go where you’re going to Do what you’re gonna do Cause love is guiding you
Rainbow parents..
Rainbow teachers..
Rainbow planet…
Betsy Rose (© 1999)
My mind is clear blue sky
My mind is clear blue sky
And the clouds come
And the clouds go
And my mind is a clear blue sky
My mind is a clear blue sky
My mind is a clear blue sky
My mind is a clear blue sky
And the thoughts come
And the thoughts go
My mind is a clear blue sky
My mind is a clear blue sky
My mind is a clear blue sky
And the storms come
And the storms go
And my mind is a clear blue sky..
And the fear comes…
And the anger comes…
And the joy comes…
(Last Verse)
And I breathe in (all breathe in )
And I breathe out (all breathe out)
And my mind is a clear blue sky…
(©Betsy Rose 1998)
Sometimes it’s hard to be six
There’s things even mommies can’t fix
That scrape on your knee, it just stings for so long
The backpack you left on the bus- well it’s gone
And some days the sour overpowers the sweet in the mix
There’s things even mommies can’t fix
And it’s hard to be six
Sometimes it’s hard to be six
There’s things even mommies can’t fix
The goldfish all died and we still don’t know why
That baby bird fell before it learned to fly
Your best friend is moving away- well of all dirty tricks
There’s things even mommies can’t fix
And it’s hard to be six
Sometimes it’s hard to be six
There’s things even mommies can’t fix
Like troubles between the grownups at home
They try to act normal but you know something’s wrong
And you wonder what’s broken, who broke it, and can it be fixed
Is this house made of straw or bricks
Means a lot when you are six
Sometimes it’s hard to be mom
And to see all the things that go wrong
And all of her power and love can’t prevent
The random misfortunes, the broken and bent
And even a mom sometimes wonders if God’s playing tricks
What good is a mom who can’t fix
The whole world when you’re six
Sometimes it’s hard to be us
Just stumbling around in the dust
Not much to hang on to and nowhere to go
That’s looks any better as far as we know
And it’s hard to just keep getting up every time that we fall
And we all need a lap to crawl into when we hit the wall
Maybe what can’t be fixed can be cradled
By the mother of all
© Betsy Rose / Paper Crane Music 1996
Molly’s too busy to speak when she spoken to
Sometimes you think that she’s deaf
And try to get her to move-
You got a fight on your hands
She’s little, but stubborn and tough
Sometimes she gets moving just a little too fast
She bumps and she bruises herself
And someday her wires just get humming until
She can’t possibly choose to sit still
We may call her a problem, call it disease
Prescribe medication, but it’s so hard to see
That maybe there’s nothing so wrong
Who sets the clock and says
What time we’re on
Every heart beats to a rhythm
That’s secret and wild
We just have to listen more closely
To the spirited child
Marcos is picky, he spits out his food
His socks all have seams just like razors
So he has to go barefoot,
Wear his shirts inside out
You can forget about bow ties and blazers!
Some kids like to listen
To their folks rock and roll
Marco just covers his ears
The jangle and bustle of life as we know it
Can drive kids like Marcos to tears
We can say he’s too sensitive,
What’s all the fuss
It’s best not to spoil him, he’s got to adjust
But maybe there’s nothing so wrong
Who sets the clock and says
What time we’re on
Every heart beats to a rhythm
That’s secret and wild
We just have to move a bit slower
With the spirited child
Micah gets so excited he can’t wait a minute
He’s got to be first every time
To share during circle time,
First to get pop sickles
First batter up, first in line
And maybe he’s trouble and hard on the group
He’ll strike out if he don’t get his way
The others have learned about
“Please, yes and thank you”
But “no” is still mostly what Micah will say
We may call him bully, aggressive and mean
And those labels stick to him
‘Til it’s all we can see
But maybe there’s nothing so wrong
Who sets the clock and says what time we’re on
Every heart beats to a rhythm
That’s secret and wild
We just have to move a bit closer
To the spirited child
And maybe you can remember way back
Who set the clock, tried to keep you on track
And did your heart beat to a rhythm
So secret and wild
You can feel it again when you dance
With the spirited child
It’s a gift that you get when you’re loving
A spirited child
©Betsy Rose
Welcome to the circle
How far have you come
Do you need some company
A candle and a song
Are you feeling weary
Tired of being strong
Welcome to the circle
It’s a place where you belong
Do you have a burden
That feels too much to bear
Do you have a bitterness
You don’t know how to share
Do you get too angry
To breathe or laugh or pray
Well there’s no one in this circle
Who has never felt this way
No one in this circle
Who has never felt this way
So welcome to this circle
Whatever brought you here
The valleys and the mountain tops
The muddy and the clear
And know your work is worthy
And know your heart is true
And know that all you give away
Will come circling back to you
You’ve got to know that all you give away
Will come circling back to you.
Worthy Of Our Children
(Music by Tom Hunter, Text by Pablo Casals)
May the work we do make the world we live in
A little more worthy of our children
May the words we speak make the world..
May the dreams we dream…
May the songs we sing..

Songs from the heart of parenting, charting the inner journey of a new mother, and offering support insight and encouragement for the tough, poignant and beautiful parenting moments. Includes “Spirited Child” and “Birthmother.”
- I Want World For You
- Can I Have It
- Birthmother
- Thanks To Life
- Breathing In, Breathing Out
- Spirited Child
- Mama’s Milk
- Under My Skin
- I Have Arrived
- Raising Up children
- Send Me A Voice
- Gentle Wind/All Night Long

Sacred Ground
Celebrating our connection to all of life, honoring the earth activists and indigenous people who protect and preserve the earth. Recorded live, in studio, with an audience of singers.
- Mother Earth
- Building A House
- Read My Lips
- I Think Of You
- One Family, One Home
- Dark Water
- Earth Moves In A Mysterious Way
- Kneeling At The Train
- Carry It Home
Selected Lyrics
©Betsy Rose
Who’s been here a long long time before the human race?
Who’s been spinning round and round, blue and green in space?
Who makes sure that every species has a special place?
And who needs our help today?
Before the humans walked the earth the critters flew and crawled
Before we spoke a language the wild wolves howled
We’re the youngest on this planet, made of all that went before
So who are we grateful for?
It’s our mother earth
Our mother earth
And we cannot live without her
She gives us our birth
Now she needs all her children to defend her worth
It’s time for us to mother our mother earth
Whose rivers need a cleaning, whose sky is turning brown?
Whose choking from the plastic junk that never will break down?
Whose forests’ being lumbered, whose soil is turned to sand?
And who needs our helping hand?
It’s our mother earth……
For the rivers are her bloodstream and the forests are her lungs
The ozone layer keeps her cool the topsoil keeps her warm
The wind is her laughter rain is her tears
And we are her eyes and her ears
We are mother earth….
Now don’t you be discouraged ‘cause there’s lots that we can do
It’s people who have made this mess, just folks like me and you
And it’s people who can clean it up, change it if we try
We can help mother earth survive
She’s our mother earth…
Some people bury their heads in the sand
I’m gonna bury my tail
Chain my foot to a concrete root
Wait til they take me to jail, jail (2x)
Ain’t gonna wait to be 6 feet under
To bury my bones in the clay
Swing low sweet paddy wagon
Comin’ for to carry me away (2x)
It’s cold and damp down here in the ground
Chills me through and through
But it’s home to the critters who burrow in the earth
So I guess it’s my home too (2x)
There’s life, life in the trees
There’s life, life in the stone
There’s life, in you and me
One family one home, one family one home
These ancient trees were standing here
When the first white foot touched the ground
Whitefella marvelled at the scenery
Then he settled into tearing it down down
Settled into tearing it down
And the people of the dreaming felt the blow
Heard the silent scream
Tell me where will the spirits dwell
Where will we find our dream
There’s life..
If we tear the green lungs off of the earth
Carve away her crust
We’ll be cutting the ground from under our feet
Choking on the dust
So its two legged four legged winged and finned
The rock and the willow bough
We’re strung together in a mighty chain
And we’re all endangered now
But there’s life…
(© 1989 Betsy Rose;lyrics; Scottish melody)
Earth moves in a mysterious way
Her wonders to unfold
She fashions beauty out of clay
Like straw spun into gold
She holds us all within her breath
Enfolds us in her grace
We cling like children to her breast
This glowing jewel in space
I lose her face a thousand times
In crowded streets of fear
But when I gaze at starry skies
I see her shining clear
I lose her voice amidst the din
And clamor all around
But if I listen to the wind
I hear her sacred sound
Surrounded by a phantom host
Of dangers and desires
I long for her simplicity
Her slow and steady fires
And though this human enterprise
Is poised ‘tween hope and hell
Earth circles in her endless dance
And whispers “all is well”
Earth moves in a mysterious way
Her wonders to perform
She fashions beauty out of clay
Our mother and our home
©Betsy Rose
Carry it home to your children
Carry it out in the street
Carry it on to the ones you love
On to the ones you meet
Carry it light on your shoulder
Carry it deep in your soul
For we have been blessed with magic
And the magic will make us whole

Wings Against the Sky
Songs of personal growth and change, family bonds and losses, and connection to global family. Richly produced studio recording.
- Ordinary Day
- House Full Of Secrets
- Circle Of Light
- Open The Door Again
- Nicaragua (The Fruits Of Work And Love)
- Darlin’ I’m Glad
- Valentine’s Day
- Starlight
- Let Her Go

In My Two Hands
Songs inspired by the teachings and poetry of Vietnamese Zen monk/writer/peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh. A new genre: country/eastern music. Themes include earth care, spiritual journeys and living mindfully.
- The Three Treasures
- Silence
- Walking Gatha
- Five Rivers
- Children’s Promises
- Song Of The Boat People
- In My Two Hands
- Zen And The Art of Sunburn
- Taste And See
- Water, Fire And Smoke
- Standing Like A Tree
- Seneca Moon
- Happy And Good
(Betsy Rose)
I take refuge in the Buddha
The one who shows me the way in this life
Namo Buddhiya…
I take refuge in the Dharma
The way of understanding and light…
I take refuge in the Sangha
The community of mindful harmony…
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
(Thich Nhat Hanh Additional lyrics by Betsy Rose)
I hold my face in my two hands
I hold my face in my two hands
My hands
Hollowed to catch what might fall from within me
Deeper than crying
I am not crying
I hold my face in my two hands
I hold my face in my two hands
To keep my loneliness warm
To cradle my hunger
Shelter my heart
From the rain and the thunder
Two hands preventing my soul
From flying in anger
I hold my face in my two hands
I hold my face in my two hands
Holding the wings
That batter the bars of their cages
Shelter the flame
From the windstorm that rages
Warming the place
Where tomorrow may blossom compassion
I hold my face in my two hands
I hold my face in my two hands
My hands
Hollowed to catch what might fall from within me
Deeper than crying
I am not crying
I am in my two hands
© Betsy Rose 1987
Oh taste, taste and see
How good is the fruit that falls from the tree
Oh taste, taste and see
How good is the fruit of the garden
Taste the sun stored in the skin
Flavor of fire and of passion
Taste the stars that dwell at the core
Seeds of our joy and compassion
Oh taste taste and see…
Taste the rain-soaked in the flesh
it lingers so sweet on the tongue
Taste the earth the body of life
Dark and rich and strong
Oh taste…
Lyrics: Deena Metzger
Music: Betsy Rose
© Betsy Rose 1987
Silence pours into me
Like a cataract of wine
Reddening the sea
And I’m drowning
In a drunken melody
Which is still
Which is still
And if I do not speak I will die
And if I speak this silence
Which has become my breath
Will disappear
Silence breaks over me
Like an avalanche of snow
Burying the trees
And I’m dreaming of a frozen melody
Which is white
Which is white
And if I do not speak I will die
And if I speak this silence
Which has become my breath
Will disappear
This wine of silence
It is so sweet
I fear that it has no end
And if I do not speak I will die
And if I speak this silence
Which has become my breath
Will disappear
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Betsy Rose c 1987
It’s been a long journey to come to this plac
I’ve traveled in time and I’ve traveled in space
Traveled in circles, and come face to face
With the water, fire and smoke.
I have pondered and worried, tightened the rope
Feasted on sorrow and starved out my hope
Now I come like a lover my heart in my throat
Give me water, fire and smoke
Oh it’s water for cleansing my eyes and my eats
Fire the transformer of sorrows and fears
Smoke for the ancestors, drawing them near
With the water, fire and smoke
So run from the churchyard, the word and the cross
Run to the forest, to the rivers and rocks
You will find the green alter deep in the moss
You’ll find water, fire and smoke
Ancient the spirits of rocks, trees and wind
Ancient the rites of the green sacrament
Long before judgment, atonement and sin
There was water, fire and smoke.
Now I lay down my burden, the weight of my years
Gods I have worshipped, and causes held dear
And who will I be when they all disappear
Into water, fire and smoke.
I have knelt in the ashes, in peace may I rise
Empty of knowing and full of surprise
Clothed all in silence, a baby baptized
In water, fire and smoke.
Run from the churchyard, the word and the cross
Run to the forest, to the rivers and rocks
You will find the green alter deep in the moss
You’ll find water, fire and smoke
Coming Soon

Live From The Very Front Row
Live concert recording from Betsy’s early solo days- songs of an awakening feminist consciousness, of love expanding beyond borders, of family, and of social change.
- Coming Into My Years
- Nothing I’d Like Better
- In The Very Front Row
- Room For You
- We Still Have A Dream
- The Great Scheme Of Things
- Love At The Core
- Glad To Be Who I Am
- Humble My Heart
- My Heart Knows The Way

As Strong As Anyone Can Be
Songs of strong, capable children, and highlighting girls’ power and presence. Humorous songs, serious songs, pretty songs, and silly songs giving voice to dreams, strengths, ambitions and a world of possibility.

Imagining Peace
Peace poems written by Zen brush artist and writer Kazuaki Tanahashi. Set to music and performed by U.S. west coast musicians: Two songs written and performed by Betsy. A benefit for World Without Armies.